All pages
From Intelligent Materials and Systems Lab
- 09/5/1
- A Molecular Dynamics Study of the Effects of Side-Chain Length and Separation in non-Crystalline LiPF6•PEOx; x=10 and 30 by Jaanus Karo 15.01.2008
- About
- About the Life, the Universe, and Everything
- Activities
- Activities During Summer
- Ajatabel
- Akude valmistamine printimistehnoloogia abil
- Alumni
- Alvo Calendar
- Artikkel prootonhyppe testimisest
- Artur Tamm's Publications
- Arvutitehnika laptopide tarkvara
- Assistant Professor of Robotics
- Attitude
- Automatic pipettes 28.09.2020
- Autumn 2016/2017
- Biocompatible electroactive polymers
- Bioengineering
- Biomimetic Underwater Robot
- Bioühilduvad elektroaktiivsed polümeerid
- Birch-Murnaghani võrrandi lähenduse tuletamine
- Blaatest
- Booking
- Books in library
- C++
- CV-s
- Calibration certificates
- Carbil
- Change Password in MySQL database
- Chemistry lab tutorial and safety rules
- Choregraphe
- Collaborative Robotics and Robotic Computing
- Computational Materials
- Computer-Aided Materials Design for Proton-Conducting Fluoropolymers
- Computer assisted design and development of tailored nanostructures
- Comsol
- ComsolMultiphysics
- Comsol Multiphysics
- Comsoli-litsents
- Constants
- Coping with Linux
- Course Part
- Creation of accurate contact modelling technique for linear FEM-analysis
- Credits
- Current events
- Current project
- Development and optimization of flow electrode capacitor technology
- Diary
- Doktorantuur
- EAP testbench 1
- EIT Manufacturing TR-AM training
- ERA Chair holder in Materials Research in Extreme Environments
- ETF 9216 - Development and optimization of 3D-microbatteries (01.01.2012-31.21.2015)
- Eab infra
- EchemDID
- Eduroam
- Ehitiste konstruktsioonielementide multiskaala mudelite arendamine
- Electric and magnetic field analyses in ALT tester
- Electrical breakdowns in CLIC accelerator
- Elektrood-03-npt
- Elektrood-03-nvt
- Elektrood-03E-npt
- Elektrood-03E-nvt
- Elektrood-05-npt
- Elektrood-05-nvt
- Elektrood-05E-npt
- Elektrood-05E-nvt
- Elektrood-05R-nvt
- Elektrood-08-npt
- Elektrood-08-nvt
- Elektrood-08E-npt
- Elektrood-08E-nvt
- Elektrood-3x3-npt
- Elektrood-3x3-nvt
- Endel-Päevik
- Endel-avaldus
- Endel-result-2008-01-11
- Endel.Soolo.CV
- Endli loetud artiklid
- ErkiViidaleppTegevused
- Error Messages
- Ettekanded
- EuroEAP manipulator
- Ext2 driver windoozale
- FTIR, Brooker Alpha
- Feisbuk
- First Year
- FishlikeAUV
- For Year 1
- For year 1
- For year 2
- For year 3
- Franka Emika Panda
- Gadgets/testReadLength.js
- Getting-real-world-coordinates-from-image-frame
- Grafeeni-simulatsioonide-ylevaade
- Gromacs, Grid and MD by Endel Soolo 04.12.2007
- Hea Tava
- HermesInstall
- How to create links with special symbols
- How to restore your files in our servers
- Hunt baka.doc
- ICL-for-SEM
- IM: Artiklid
- IMS Lab ambient conditions
- IMS Lab laboratories
- IM Artiklid
- IPN-CP electroactive materials by Johann Citerin 6.11.2007
- IT ja tarkvara
- Impressions from nano-bio world congress by Tarmo Tamm 27.11.2007
- Infrared Spectroscopy of Polypyrrole by Urmo Visk 29.01.08
- Installing Gazebo 8 with ROS Kinetic
- Intelligent Materials+Systems
- Interesting ROS resources I have come across
- InvertedPendulum10s
- Ionic Liquids
- Ionic Polymer Metal Composites (IPMC) modelling and control
- Ioonsed vedelikud
- Ioonsed vedelikud elektroatiivsete polümeeride jaoks
- January 15th, 2009 Priit Priimägi "Solid polymer electrolytes"
- Job Offers
- Journal Club
- Journal Club 2013
- Journal Club 2013/2014
- Journal Club 2014/2015
- Journal Club 2015/2016
- Journal Club 2016/2017
- Journal Club 2017/2018
- Journal Club 2018/2019
- Journal Club 2020/2021
- Journals
- Juhendamised
- KUKA youBot
- Kala5c
- Kalman filter by Peep Miidla 02.11.2007
- Kes meeldida tahab..
- KielTartu
- Kuidas teha vannitäis seebivahtu
- Kylmkapp
- LLTTI17114 - "Development of reinforced porous concrete"
- Lab booking during COVID-19
- Laboris töötamise ohutusjuhend
- Lammps
- Laser distance meter in Chemistry Lab
- Ligipaasud
- Links
- Literature overview
- Loeng
- Logi
- Logo
- Low-temperature thermostat (Proline)
- Main.c
- Main2
- Main Page
- Makaron
- Manuscripts and papers
- Material study of conducting polymers
- Materials
- Materjalidefektide simuleerimine kõrgetes elektriväljades
- Mathematical models for IPMC control, overview of his visit to Michigan by Mart Anton 13.11.2007
- Mcgen
- Mechanisms of vacuum arching in high electric field systems
- Mediawiki/index.php/EAPedia
- Mediawiki/index.php/Juhendamised
- Mediawiki/index.php/Stuff for papers
- Meelelahutus
- Meetinglink
- Mihkel's MSc
- MindMap of my thesis "Mechanical modeling of IPMC actuators at large deformations" by Mart Anton 01.04.2008
- Mitmekanaliline programmeeritav signaaligeneraator
- Mixed Signal Microelectronics
- Modern Control Engineering by Artur Abels Dec 2007
- Molecular dynamics studies of poly(ethylene oxide) based electrolytes
- Molecular modelling of Nafion by Jaanus Karo 20.11.2007
- Muu
- My Family
- My PhD work
- My Work Time line
- My Work Timeline
- Mydemopage
- NAO: Pea peal seismine
- NMR tube washing
- NMR tubes
- NX'i kasutamine
- Nao
- NaoSim Linuxis
- Nao Keyboard Control Python
- Nao Module
- Nao line detection
- Nao localization
- Nao segmentation
- New Actuators and Recent Results by Viljar Palmre 18.12.2007
- News
- On the optimal design of an IPMC actuator by Mart Anton 12.02.08
- On the optimal design of an Ionomeric Polymer Metal Composite (IPMC) actuator by Mart Anton 08.01.2008
- Overview of IPMC related papers published in summer of 2008 by Karl Kruusamäe 18.09.2008
- PI Publications By Year
- PUT 1372 - Mechanisms of vacuum arching in high electric field systems
- PUT 1372 Mechanisms of vacuum arching in high electric field systems
- PUT 57 - Multiscale simulations of dislocation generation in rf electric fields in the linear accelerator design (01.01.2013 - 31.12.2016)
- PUT 57 Multiscale simulations of dislocation generation in rf electric fields in the linear accelerator design (01.01.2013 - 31.12.2016)
- Papers and books repository
- People
- Pgp public key
- PhD
- PhD Students positions 2019
- Phone numbers
- Pic website.jpg
- Pictures
- Potentiostat booking (BP-300-281)
- Potentiostat booking (PARstat)
- Potentiostat booking (PalmSens4)
- Preliminary defences. Spring 2015
- Present to qualify for a stipend for attending a conference!
- Programmi kood
- Projects
- Prooba
- Proov2
- Publications
- Python
- QeQ methods
- Raamatud
- Radio
- ReadyNAS config
- Research 1st Year
- Research 2nd year
- Research 3rd year
- Research part
- Reset Password
- Robot Learning
- Robotics
- SEM booking
- Second Year
- Self-deployable Habitat for Extreme Environments
- Self-sensing IPMC actuator by Karl Kruusamäe 05.02.08
- Seminars
- Seminars/presentations about my projects
- Seminars given in Tartu University
- Set up Opencv
- Setup Nao
- Short Introduction to Artificial Muscles Course
- Simulatsioonitarkvara
- Skeem
- SoftBank Pepper
- Soft Robotics
- SonariProbleem
- Spring 2016/2017
- Sputter coater
- Start learning robotics
- Statistika
- Student projects
- Student projects in Bioengineering
- Student projects in Computational Materials
- Student projects in Ionic Liquids
- Student projects in Mixed Signal Microelectronics
- Test
- Test3
- Test bed
- Test bed/fr
- Test page2
- Thermal runaway simulation with Femocs code and Poisson solver
- Theses and disserations
- Theses in Materials
- Theses in Mixed Signal Microelectronics
- Theses in Robotics
- Theses in Soft Robotics
- Thesis topics offered by Karl Storz
- Third Year
- Today I read
- TonisTiimus MSc
- Tulekahju korral tegutsemise plaan- Nooruse 1
- Töövihiku kalad
- Ubuntu
- Ugochukwu.Uba
- Underwater vehicle for environmental monitoring
- University Workplace Health and Safety Rules
- University matlab
- User board.h
- User page example
- Utilization of Virtual Reality in Product Development of a VSD cabinet
- Valgussambad
- Vanad teemad
- Veemasina Filter
- Veenuse üleminek 06.06.12
- Videos
- VirtualMannequinResearch
- Võrrandite lahendid
- Word 2007
- Wrk
- Zoom