University matlab
MATLABi klassilitsents Tartu Ülikoolis
Tartu Ülikoolil on olemas 25-kohaline MATLABi klassilitsents õppetööks. Antud litsentsi alusel saab MATLABi kasutada Tartu Ülikooli arvutiklassides. Hetkel on antud litsentsiga MATLAB installitud Arvutiteaduse instituudi arvutiklassidesse Liivi 2-003 (15+1 kohta), Liivi 2-203 (21+1 kohta) ja Tehnoloogiainstituudi mobiilsesse arvutiklassi Nooruse 1 (12 kohta).
Tartu University has 25-seat MATLAB classroom license for teaching purposes. MATLAB can be used under this license in the computer classes of the Tartu University. MATLAB with this license is present in the computer classes of the Institute of Computer Sciences in Liivi 2-003 (15+1 seats). Liivi 2-203 (21+1 seats) and in the mobile computer class of the Institute of Technology Nooruse 1 (12 kohta).
MATLABi litsentsi on toetanud Hariduse Infotehnoloogia Sihtasutuse programm Tiigriülikool.
The MATLAB license is supported by the Tiger University Program of the Information Technology Foundation for Education.
Olemasolevad toolboxid:
Present toolboxes:
- Simulink
- Bioinformatics Toolbox
- Curve Fitting Toolbox
- Communications System Toolbox
- MATLAB Compiler
- Control System Toolbox
- Data Acquisition Toolbox
- DSP System Toolbox
- Global Optimization Toolbox
- Image Acquisition Toolbox
- Instrument Control Toolbox
- System Identification Toolbox
- Image Processing Toolbox
- Model-Based Calibration
- MATLAB Coder
- Mapping Toolbox
- Neural Network
- Optimization Toolbox
- SimBiology
- Signal Processing
- Symbolic Math
- Statistics Toolbox
Tugi ja lisainfo Support and additional information
- Kersti Taurus
- Liivi 2-120
- +372 7375500 (TÜ arvutiabi, TU computer helpdesk)
- Heiki Kasemägi
- Nooruse 1-319
- +372 5118754
Kuna litsentside üheaegse kasutamise arv on piiratud, siis palume kõik installeerimissoovid kooskõlastada.
Since the number of the concurrent seats is limited, the additional installations are kindly asked to coordinate to the support persons.
Matlabi installimine ja kasutamine Installing and using Matlab
Olulised valikud Matlabi kliendi installeerimisel: Important options then installing the Matlab client:
- installida ilma internetita:
- install without internet:
- File Installation Key:
R2013a trial (kehtib kuni/valid until 28.09.2013): 20261-28264-42324-27322-16056-48860-17600-64093-08770-42203- \ 03477-03098-13157-31160-49367-06626-48592
NB: "\" märgib reavahetust...sisetamisel peab key olema terviklik
NB: "backslash" marks the row break...enter the key as one
- intallatsioonitüübiks valida Custom:
- the type of the installation is Custom:
- installatsioonikalatoogi valik (NB: pilt on *nixi-spetsiifiline ja sügavalt illustratiivne):
- selecting the installation directory (NB: the image is *nix specific and through illustrative):
- installitavate komponentide valik:
- selecting the components to install:
NB: kindlasti ei tohi installitavate komponentide seas olla litsentsihaldurit NB: make sure the License Manager is not among those components
- litsentsifaili asukoha määramine:
- specifying the location of the license file
litsentsifail tuleks koostada enne installeerimist ja paigutada sinna kataloogi, kuhu on kavatsus Matlab installida the license file should be composed prior to the installation process and transferred to the Matlab installation directory
faili nimeks on network.lic ja selle sisu on järgmine: name the file as network.lic with the following content:
SERVER license_server_name INTERNET=license.server.ip.number 27000 USE_SERVER
- "license_server_name" ja "license.server.ip.number" väärtuse jaoks pöörduda tugiisikute poole, kellele viidati eespool
- contact the support persons for the values of " license_server_name" and "license.server.ip.number"
ülimalt soovituslik oleks peale viimast tekstirida lisada reavahetus it is highly recommended to add a blank row after the last low
- edasi järgneb peamiselt next/ok pressamine
- next start pressing mostly next/ok
- firewallid
- firewalls
avada sisenevaks ja väljuvaks liikluseks port 27000
open ports 27000 and for incoming-outgoing traffic