
From Intelligent Materials and Systems Lab

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COMSOL Multiphysics'i kasutamine Tartu Ülikoolis - Using COMSOL Multiphysics in Tartu University

COMSOL Multiphysics'i soetamise toetus - Support for purchasing COMSOL Multiphysics

Toetanud Hariduse Infotehnoloogia Sihtasutuse programm Tiigriülikool.

Supported by the Tiger University Program of the Information Technology Foundation for Education.


COMSOL Multiphysics'i allalaadimine - Obtaining COMSOL Multiphysics

COMSOL Multiphysics 4.3.a ISO image

MD5 kontrollsumma - MD5 checksum

7986988cbcdd15c0413a383471741d64  p124comsol43a20121119.iso

COMSOL Multiphysics 4.3.b ISO image

MD5 kontrollsumma - MD5 checksum

428b8aad363732fb89f651d11b06119d  p125comsol43b20130513.iso

COMSOL Multiphysics'i installimine - Installing COMSOL Multiphysics

Installida kohe kas ISO image-lt (Daemon Tools Lite võimaldab selle kettana win all külge mountida) või ISO image plaadile kirjutades ja siis plaadilt installides. ISO image sisaldab kõigi kolme opsüsteemi versiooni.
Install directly from the image (Daemon Tools Lite enables to mount it under Windows) or burn the image on the DVD and install from the DVD...ISO image contains Windows, Linux and MacOS versions...
Installimisel küsitakse mingil hetkel litsentsi. Siis tuleks valida litsentsiserveriks ja pordiks 1718. 'check' aitab teha kindlaks, kas litsents saadi korralikult kätte.
If the installation programs asks for the license, choose the options with license server (enter and port (enter 1718). Certainly do 'Check' to ensure the progam gets proper license or gets the license at all.
Kui asi jõuab installeeritavate komponentideni, siis tuleks kindlasti jätta välja litsentsimanager.
While choosing components to install, certainly exclude License Manager.
Kui kasutatakse tulemüüri, tuleks avada liiklus portide 1718 ja 40478 jaoks. 1718 on litsentsimanageriga suhtlemiseks ja 40478 otsas vastab COMSOL ise.
If using firewall, ensure that the bidirectional traffic is allowed via ports 1718 and 40478. The first one is for communication to the license manager and the latter for COMSOL daemon itself.

Kontakt ja kohalik tugi - Contact and the local support

Heiki Kasemägi

telefon - phone: +372 7374834, +372 5118754
email: heiki.kasemagi [at]
aadress: Tehnoloogiainstituut, Tartu Ülikool, Nooruse 1-319
address: Institute of Technology,Tartu University, Nooruse 1-319

Lingid - Links