Change Password in MySQL database: Difference between revisions

From Intelligent Materials and Systems Lab

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Latest revision as of 11:51, 6 February 2007

1. Go to Special:Userlogin page. Enter the username and let the comupter send a email with password to registered email address by pressin button "E-mail a password".

2. If email does not arrive, the root could do following:

To reset the password of users when this option is set use the following query: UPDATE user SET user_password=md5(concat(user_id,'-',md5('mynewpassword'))) where user_name ='WikiSysop' ; user_id is the userid of the user, mynewpassword has to be your new password and WikiSysop could be an other user.

And make it crystal clear, the actual steps will be: up a terminal 2.type in "mysql -p" 3.type in "SHOW DATABASES;" this will show you the databases wikidb is the one we need 4.type in "USE wikidb" 5.type in "UPDATE user SET user_password=md5(concat(user_id,'-',md5('password'))) where user_name='usersname' ;" must change password to the password the user is going to type in must change username to the users name on in the wiki