From Intelligent Materials and Systems Lab
- Alvo Aabloo, assistant professor, head of the lab (modelling polymeric materials)
- Maarja Kruusmaa, senior reseacher (Electroactive polymer artificial muscles, biorobotics, robot learning)
- Andres Punning, researcher (Electroactive polymer artificial muscles)
- Heiki Kasemägi, reseacher (Ion-conducting polymer, computer simulations)
- Tarmo Tamm, senior researcher(conducting polymers)
- Urmas Johanson, postdoctoral fellow (electrochemistry)
- Daniel Brandell, shared postdoctoral fellow (Ion-conducting polymers)
Ph.D. students
- Anti Liivat, Ph.D. student (Ion-conducting polymer, computer simulations)
- Mart Anton, Ph.D. student (EAP actuator control)
- Jaanus Karo, Ph.D. student(Ion-conducting polymer, computer simulations)
- Artur Abels, Ph.D. student (nonlinear control)
- Terje Raudsepp, Ph.D. student (conducting polymers)
- Madis Listak, Ph.D. student (underwater robotics)
- David Pugal, master student (Finite Element Modelling of polymeric materials)
- Endel Soolo, master student (Molecular dynamics simulations)
- Yuri Gavšin, master student (robot learning)
- Alar Ainla, master student (Nanoengineer)
- Andres Hunt, bachelor student (EAP actuator control)
- Alo Peets, bachelor stundet (popular robotics)
- Viljar Palme, master student (electrochemistry)
- Janno Torop, master student (electrochemistry)
- Arko Kesküla, bachelor student (EAP materials)
- Talis Raak, bachelor student (EAP materials)