
From Intelligent Materials and Systems Lab

Pranjal Sharma

Supervisor: Alvo Aabloo
Tel: +372 55571159
Field of Research: Additive manufacturing

Publications & Conferences

• Patni, N., Sharma, P., Suresh, M., Tiwari, B. and Pillai, S. G. Polymer-Based Organic Solar Cell: An Overview, in Trends and Applications in Advanced Polymeric Materials (eds S. K. Nayak, S. Mohanty and L. Unnikrishnan), John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, NJ, USA, Page 59-82. Oct 2017. doi:

• Patni N., Sharma P., Pillai S.G.. Newer approach of using alternatives to (Indium doped) metal electrodes, dyes and electrolytes in dye sensitized solar cell. Materials Research Express. April 2018. doi:

• Patni N., Sharma P., Parikh M., Joshi P., Pillai S.G.. Cost effective approach of using substrates for electrodes of enhanced efficient dye sensitized solar cell. Materials Research Express. August 2018. doi:

• Patni N., Pillai S.G., Sharma P.. Effect of using betalain, anthocyanin, and chlorophyll dyes together as a sensitizer on enhancing the efficiency of dye-sensitised solar cell. International Journal of Energy Research. John Wiley & Sons. Page 1-14. August 2020. doi: