Phone numbers

From Intelligent Materials and Systems Lab

IMS Lab phone numbers

Calling from outside the University of Tartu? No problem, just include the prefix +372 737.

Room Who Phone
035 Basement lab 4819
326 Gray room 4883
327 Arko / Friedrich / Fatemeh 4820
323 Anna-Liisa / Kaija / Inga / Fred 4823
318 Alvo 5534
149 Laivi 4830
149 Mariana 4840
105 Teet 4831
332 Urmas, Pille 4832
328 Tarmo, Kaur 4833
319 Heiki 4834
329 Roman 4835
Heilo, Ramon 4872
317 Vahur / Karl 4877
Shahab 4855