My Work Time line

From Intelligent Materials and Systems Lab

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Welcome to my Activity Log!!! My Research topic is " Co-operative mappingg by using a swarm of sensors". The first target to achieve is to build up knowledge about using Ubuntu and ROS kinetics.

Repeat Shavery work

Mapping with a Hokuyo


Writing a TF broadcaster follow this tutorial

For navigation stack

Recording and playing bag file

For this purpose Lidar scan was used and following steps were performed.

  1. roscore
  2. hokuyo_node was run rosrun but lidar was connected rosrun hokuyo_node hokuyo_node
  3. rviz run by using this command rosrun rviz rviz
  4. laser was selected in fixed frame option menu in Display
  5. laser scan was added from add option
  6. Recording was started by using this command rosbag record LaserScanner /scan
  7. For playing this bag file performed 6 steps again and use this command rosbag play "2017-07-31-14-46-07".bag

For Lidar

first run roscore
then hokuyo_node
after it tf function
for tf function
rosrun tf static_transform_publisher 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 map my_frame 100

Then run rviz
rosrun rviz rviz

Working with Lidar

Read this tutorial

Interfacing 3D Camera

How to add a new Package in workspace (27-06-2017)

Insert non-formatted text here

$ cd catkin_ws // go in workspace
$ cd src //go in source directory
$ git clone  // download package
/catkin_ws$ catkin_make //go in workspace and run catkin_make
$ source devel/setup.bash   // run it
$roslaunch usb_cam usb_cam-test.launch // to launch package

Creating a Package

To create a Package follow these steps

  1. Go to your workspace, in our case it is catkin_ws and src directory by using this command cd %YOUR_CATKIN_WORKSPACE_HOME%/src
  2. Then use this command catkin_create_pkg Package name tf roscpp rospy turtlesim
  3. Build your new package before you can roscd
$ catkin_make
$ source ./devel/setup.bash

Learning ROS

Use ROS Tutorials

Installation of ROS

Next task was to install ROS kinetics. Installing ROS Kinetics was not difficult after watching few tutorials on you tube.


Ubuntu seems new to me as i always worked on window versions of operating systems. So for me task 1 was to install Ubuntu and make myself familiar to its working. When i started Ubuntu installation, i had to face problem because my system was not ready to accept different operating system. It started screaming out loud to warn me but i keep going. After 3 failures i became successful in Ubuntu installation over the cost of data in my hard drive.

[Ubuntu Official Website]